What is Mānuka Honey?

Mānuka Honey is produced when bees collect nectar from the flowers of New Zealand's native Mānuka bush.

Mānuka honey is a richer, darker, stronger tasting honey and sets itself apart with unique naturally occurring compounds, the most notable is Methylglyoxal (MGO) - a unique antibacterial compound exclusive to Mānuka honey.

Holding Mason Brothers Manuka Honey MGO 514+ in field

What are the benefits?

Customers around the world point to Mānuka honey helping strengthen immunity, aid digestion and reduce inflammation. People commonly use it on cuts, burns, acne and soothing stomachs and throats to name a few.

Manuka honey taken daily is a great natural energy boost while also being useful for a myriad of other applications.

honey spilling

Manuka honeys unique compounds

Mānuka honey contains thousands of natural compounds but the most important is MGO or 'methylglyoxal'. This is known for its antibacterial properties and is unique to Mānuka honey.

The higher the number on the front of the jar; the more concentrated the MGO.

Honey and Humans

Honey has long been savoured and revered for its flavour, energy and medical uses. Humans use of honey is traced to around 8000 years ago as shown in stone age paintings. Ancient Egyptians used honey extensively and it has been forund in hieroglyphic symbols as an ingredient in salves for wound care. Numerous other ancient civilisations recognised the benefits of honey in food and ancient medicine.

Today science looks deeper into traditions and we often find the proof is in the honey! In the 90's Dr Peter Molan discovered Mānuka Honeys unique properties and opened up a world of goodness that flows naturally from New Zealand's great outdoors.

Consuming natural wholefoods regularly is one of the best things you can do for your health and wellness, as the saying goes; food is the best medicine!

woman using honey on her face

Manuka - Versatile goodness

Spoon it, dollop it, slather it!

  • Apply to skin to nourish or aid healing (recommend at least MGO 514+ )
  • Straight from the spoon
  • Drizzled onto cereal
  • As an enriching sweetener in smoothies and drinks
  • In baking or cooking as an elevated replacement for sugar
  • Slathered onto bread or toast
  • Serving size / dose 1tsp - 1tbsp (5g-20g)

Mānuka Honey science definition

Science Definition

On export if the label says Mānuka honey then the honey inside has to pass the New Zealand Governments Mānuka Honey science definition.

This is a 5 marker test which is used to confirm the floral source of the honey. If you buy Mānuka honey packed in NZ you know you're getting the real thing. New Zealand's food standards are some of the highest in the world and we take honey purity seriously. Furthermore as honey can not be imported into NZ there is no chance adulterated honey from another country can make its way into your jar.